wind project KRUSHARI
Krushari, Dobrich region
*all calculations are made with Wind turbine Siemens Gamesa SG170 (hub height 165m)
The project’s location is outside protected areas and Natura 2000
- Field observations have been conducted on bird migration routes and habitats:
Autumn migration 2008 – 1 observation post
Spring migration 2009 – 3 observation posts
Autumn migration 2009 – 1 observation post
- Report by the Bulgarian Society for Bird protection about the bird migration in the area
- Additional field observation done by Bulgarian Academy of Science (Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research)
- Good wind conditions
- Availability for grid connection
- Available road and port access
- The project’s location is outside protected areas and Natura 2000
- Detailed and long term bird and bat observations done by two of the most important Bulgarian nature conservation non profit organizations
- Provided land rights for 70 plots (56+14)
- Long-term relationship with local authorities
- Significant previous lobby and PR campaign
70 land plots
WTG – SG170 (165m)
- Estimated Annual Energy Production – 1.813.000 MWh
- Full Load Hours – 3759 h/year
- Mean Wind Speed – 8.1 m/s
- EPC – EUR 348M
- LCOE – 20.65 EUR/MWh
krushari is a great opportunity for building a large-scale wind power plant in europe, with an easy access to grid connection.